Sunday, 7 June 2009

Shopping = Tiring!

Oh my goodness, I am all shopped out! My girlfriend Lauren came down to London to see me this weekend, and other than meet up with some friends, eat lots of tasty food, and watch a man juggle chain-saws whilst wearing only pink boxer-shorts, all we've done is shop!

Not that it was a waste of time, I made some good (but bank-balance damaging) purchases. I got a cool jacket for £10, it's a thin water-proof affair, perfect for summer. I also got two t-shirts, probably against my better judgement, as I have a weakness for t-shirts and over-flowing drawers as a result. Maybe I should do a t-shirt amnesty.

Anyway, steering back to the issue at hand, the first t-shirt has a picture of an AT-AT walker from Star Wars on it, but in the style of of a Haynes manual, and the second one has a load of cool Gundam Wing robots on it. Both very cool, but I may need to purge my collection when I arrive home.

Couldn't find a picture of the Star Wars T-shirt, but click here for a picture of the Gundam T-shirt.

But however cool these purchases were, it doesn't remove the fact that I've spent the best part of 7 hours in shops this weekend. I was very well behaved though, and only whined a couple of times, which I think is an achievement!

Note to all the guys in relationships out there: if you wanna win some boyfriend/fiance/husband points, let her go in as many shops as possible, always have an opinion on her choices, and at all costs don't look at the other women in the shop! For anyone going for the bonus points, make suggestions about what might look good on her. Beware however, this could backfire terribly if you lack taste, so tread carefully!

Also anyone looking to get a girlfriend, all these tips apply, but remember you're setting the standard for the future. If you stop using any of this tips, it will be noticed and dealt with ever so severely by the fairer sex. You have been warned!

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